Data is entered into UKG by the payroll/HR functions.
An unload from UKG with very limited information will be available via FTP.
A process in Multidev will be used to create/update records in SF EMPLOYEE.
Transfer file from FTP to local/network drive.
Apply updates to SV/SV1020 through Import UKG Personnel File program.
Based upon the Multidev position code, the user’s POS security level will be set.
This security level will move up or move down with the employee’s change in position unless the security level already exists above the position code of the current position. Therefore, updates to a security level above that of the current position should be limited as they will be “sticky”.
See: O:\PLANGRP\POS System Replacement\SOW\Signed\SIGNED SOW_Daniels - Employee Import exe modification.pdf
SF usage to modify EMPLOYEE should use the Field List of SF – Daniels Employee Setup (Min).
Some required fields are set with defaults to keep the data entry to a minimum:
Area Code (AREACODE) - 310
Address (ADDRESS1) - 5700 Hannum Ave
Birth Date (BIRTHDAY) – 01/01/2001
Future updates to consider:
UKG Export File – no longer pass last 4 digits of Social Security Number
Import UKG Personnel File program:
On new records insert, set – RESET
On record update, do not update
Translate BRANCHLABEL 100 from UKG to 000 (BRANCHID = 20)
A plugin/action menu item has been added to reset an employee’s password by setting RESET as the password. When received and processed at POS (estimated to be 30 minutes or less after being updated in Smartforms), the associate will be prompted to reset their password.
A plugin/action menu item is being pursued to reset the employee’s security level to the security set for the employee’s position.